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Updated: Mar 1, 2019

Face 31.

My name is Femi and I will like to tell you a bit about myself. In school, my favourite subject is Math. I always try my best. In the 2018 New York State test for Math, I got one of the highest marks in the State.

I also like soccer. My mum put me on a soccer team and I have lots of fun with my friends and teammates. I am one of the best in my team and my coach is very good. I also play soccer at my school. Both my sister and I go to the same school and we love it very much because our principal is nice, and we have lots of friends. My best friend is Evan.

I live in a home where we barely watch TV. We only do so on special occasions and that even is limited. Instead, we play card games, board games and we also ride our bikes outside.

In my spare time, I like to write. I took part in the young writer’s competition and wrote a story with just 100 words. I was selected as one of the young writer’s in New York. I got a certificate and my story, ‘The Big Prize’, was published in, ‘Crazy Creatures, Mini Sagas from New York’, published in Great Britain, 2018. I also wrote the #iam poem for a1000faces project which you can listen to and read on the blog page, on the website.

My goal is to keep working hard and getting the best grades at school.

Listen to my poem below, with special thanks to – Maria, Tomi, Malik, Angay, Reverend Pat, Jawanza, Emilien, and Rebecca for their wonderful voices.


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